A Trip to the Urban Farm

Why do I think of Mr. Green Jeans when I read this? My son, Thomas, and his wife, Rebeca, invited me over for a few hours, so I drove about an hour down the road to his place. I talked a little bit about their place here in my Chicken Sittin’ post. The Tucker Farm and Ranch is a small urban farm in Liberty, Texas. The Tuckers have a YouTube channel you can check out here. They’re goal is to grow 50-75% of their food. They have a garden with a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as, three different types of chickens. Thomas said, “I just want to get a little closer to my food.” I wanted to show you a little bit more about the backyard chickens and the chicken coop and hen house. So, I created this short video in order to explain some basic information about the three types of chickens that are on this city farm. (My first recorded video. Be kind. Heehee)
Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red only produce the egg, but don’t sit on them until they hatch. 
Rhode Island Reds and Hen House
Yes, these are the ones I was trying to “herd up” into the hen house when they were a few weeks younger. 🙂  What was I thinking?
Buff Orpington
Buff Orpington will lay eggs and sit on them until they hatch.
Cornish Cross
Cornish Cross are strictly grown to eat. They grow about a pound a week.
Hen House
Chicken Coop
Thomas built the hen house and the coop in their backyard. The tarp provides shade in the Southeast Texas heat. A fan helps with the humidity. The Tucker’s have already sold their first batch of chickens and have eaten a few eggs. If you’re considering having a few fresh eggs for breakfast and going organic with some of your food, check out The Tucker’s on YouTube as they go through the basics of getting started. Tell me in the comment section below if you are already growing your own food and/or chickens. Is this something you’ve thought about doing, but haven’t taken the first step, yet?

As Thomas likes to say, “Go out and grow something!”


10 thoughts on “A Trip to the Urban Farm

    1. Go for it! Start with a few and see how it goes. Check out The Tucker’s YouTube channel. He starts week 1 with the first batch arriving.
      Let me know if you decide to do it.

  1. I was recently in Texas visiting my parents. They live near Sanders Chicken Farm and after the visit I decided that I eventually wanted to own my own chickens. Love this post!

    1. Go for it! The Tucker’s YouTube channel shows how from day one and he’ll respond to any questions you may have. Let me know how it goes.

  2. I loved this post. I used to have 65 chickens and a small mini farm. Those were the days! It was hard work, but so rewarding. I miss it! Great post!

  3. I love chickens. When I was a kid they would just hang out at this vege burger joint I loved. I wish there were room in SF for chickens. Loved how the video was so well done. Thank you for bringing back childhood memories. I’ll have to find a spot for my little boy to see some chickens soon because he loves fresh eggs!

    1. Thank you. I’m so happy to bring back some good memories. You might could find an urban farm near you. They’re becoming more popular right now. Let me know if you’re able to find one.

    1. Haha… funny. I will always remember when he told you that, when he was about 9 years old. “I have many talents.” 😂
      And honestly, he really does. 🤗

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