Chicken Sittin’

You’ve heard the expression “Corralling a herd of cats?” Well try corralling a herd of chickens. Yes, you read that correctly. I don’t have grandchildren, yet. But, I have a grand-dog and some grand-chickens. My son and daughter-in-love are raising back yard chickens. I’ll be posting about his YouTube channel soon where he shows you how to “go out and grow something.” But, until then, you can view it at The Tuckers – 51 Days of Growing Food. They went out of town for the weekend and asked me to come stay at their house so I can walk the dog and feed the chickens. This was before he put the fence around the hen house. So, part of my job was to make sure the teenage chickens went from the chicken coop into the hen house at night and close the door so they would be protected. I was instructed that around 7:30pm they go up the ramp. So, the first night I go outside around 7:30pm and put the ramp up and open the door. The only problem is that, as typical teenagers, they wanted to stay out past curfew. What does G-Maw do? Like any good grandmother would do, she begins to guide them in the right direction only to find out that they believe she has food. They follow her around, and inevitably, they get out of the chicken coop. Have you tried herding chickens? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I believe I’m the only one who would try something like that. Well, this went on for about 20 minutes. If you know anything about chickens, you know what happened. That’s right! Just as they instinctively know what time to wake up, they know when it’s time to go to bed. It began to get dark and they naturally went up the ramp to go to bed. Yes, I learned the hard way. The next night, I waited until it began to get dark, and like the good grand-chicks that they are, they went up the ramp on their own. Cock-a-doodle-doo! IMG_4659   Feel free to Subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the box in the right column under “Sign Up For Updates”. You will receive the latest updates and blog posts. Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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